Lutheran Laymen’s League to Hold Convocation at Washington High School, with Guest Speaker

By: Ryan Duey

On Sunday, November 10th the Lutheran Laymen’s League and Lutheran Hour Ministries of Kansas will hold a Convocation Service at the Washington County High School.

The day will start with a Bible Service at 9:00 a.m., followed by a Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. with guest preacher Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler from “The Lutheran Hour.” Tim Voelker, with the Lutheran Laymen’s League, said patrons will have an opportunity to meet Dr. Zeigler the evening before.

“There is also a Meet & Greet on Saturday night at 6:00 and this will be at the Gilliam’s Barn, which is north of Greenleaf. If you’re interested in meeting Dr. Ziegler, RSVP to Terry Ohlde.”

Dr. Zeigler is known and heard throughout the world. Voelker spoke a little about Dr. Zeigler.

“The Speaker, Reverend Dr. Ziegler, is the speaker for the Lutheran Hour, which has been heard around the world. He is known around the world and is a lead man for the Lutheran Laymen’s League, which reaches out to people all over the world, telling them about Jesus Christ as their savior.”

The worship service is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. The Meet and Greet on November 9th will include a free-will offering meal. Anyone interested in attending the Meet and Greet should contact Terry Ohlde to register.

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