MAC & Cheese Arts and Music Festival II – A Second Helping Set for March 29th in Manhattan

By: Ryan Duey

The Manhattan Arts Center (MAC) will host its 2nd annual MAC & Cheese Arts and Musical Festival at the MAC on Saturday, March 29th, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This Festival is free to attend and will offer a wealth of art and entertainment for attendees.

MAC Director Kendra Kuhlman said the goal when she became the Director was to start a Festival they could grow that people would want to attend.

“I started almost two years ago as the Director at the Manhattan Art Center, and one of my goals was to create a Festival that is just an annual celebration of the arts, music, food, and all of the things.”

“We’re known as the MAC, so we decided let’s have a Mac & Cheese Festival and really play on that and make it really fun.”

This year’s festival will include a Mac & Cheese competition, with attendees getting to vote on the best dish, several local musicians, a beer garden, many art vendors, hands-on youth activities, demonstrations, and more. Kuhlman said they will also be selling art, with proceeds going to Common Table.

“The piece of it that we are very proud of is our ‘Empty Bowls’ fundraiser. Our Clay Studio Teachers create ceramic bowls throughout the year, and they’re beautiful.”   

“We then sell those bowls, and we donate the proceeds from those sales back to our community. This year, we’re giving our donations to Common Table. That’s kind of our MAC gives back piece of it.”

The MAC is currently looking for volunteers to help during the event, they are also accepting vendors.  More details on this year’s Festival, including how to volunteer or become a vendor, can be found on the MAC Facebook page or at   

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