Ndaba Mandela To Present at Brown Grand Theatre

By Payton Tholstrup

Ndaba Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s grandson, will be presenting for Cloud County Community College’s “Cook Series” at the Brown Grand Theatre in Concordia on Monday, January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. He will be presenting his program “From Prisoner to President: The Mandela Legacy Lives On.” The event is free and open to the public.

Ndaba is Co-Founder and Chairman of the Africa rising Foundation; an organization focused on promoting the positive image of Africa around the World. He has been named one of the 28 Men of Change by BET and has been featured in a docu-series called “The Mandela Project.” He has also written a book called “Going to the Mountain: Life Lessons from My Grandfather, Nelson Mandela” which is about Nelson Mandela’s life through the eyes of Ndaba who was raised by him.

The Cook Series at Cloud County Community College was created by Charles and Marian Cook who were travelers wanting to bring the world to those unable to travel. This is the 31st year of the series and there have been more than 80 events presented.

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