Photo Restoration – Tools For Genealogists

By: Ryan Duey

The Cloud County Genealogical Society is hosting a workshop by Gary Clark on August 10th at 2:00 P.M. at the Cloud County Historical Society Museum in Concordia.

The workshop focuses on using the latest tools to restore old photographs, addressing issues like fading, color shifts, scratches, and blemishes. Clark will demonstrate these tools with before-and-after examples and live restorations. He will also show how to digitally enhance hard-to-read documents using the same technology.

Clark has over four decades of experience as a photographer, writer, and communications specialist. He has been a genealogist since the mid-1990s. He has presented at regional and national genealogy conferences for over 15 years and authored fourteen books on old photographs, gravestone preservation, and genealogy, including family history.

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