Washington County FFA Alumni to Host Annual Fish Fry, Meeting, and Auction to Support Local Chapter

By: Ryan Duey

The Washington County FFA Alumni and Supporters Chapter will host its annual fish fry, annual meeting, and auction on Saturday, March 22nd, at the T Seven Ranch north of Greenleaf beginning at 5:30 p.m.

This annual event supports the local FFA Chapter in multiple ways, including giving away multiple scholarships, funding travel to events, purchasing equipment, offering SAE grants, and more.

Tim Zenger, Alumni and Supporters member, said that this year’s auction has something for everyone.

“Many of the items donated are more family friendly. The auction used to be very Ag-oriented, but we’re getting more items donated that are interesting for the wives and the mothers of the family, and some kid items. There will be a very wide-ranging selection of items to choose from this year.”

The Fish Fry is provided at no cost, and all proceeds from the auction go to support the local FFA Chapter. Zenger said this event isn’t just for current or former FFA members.

“It is open to the public; anybody who wants to come can come. There is no charge for fish fry, there’s no free will offering or anything.  The food is mostly donated, and the labor is all donated by the Alumni and Supporters members.”

“So, come eat and enjoy a good evening. Bring your wallet and bid at the auction; even if not to buy for yourself, but to make your neighbor pay a little more!”

Zenger wanted to emphasize that the event is for anyone; it is not limited to just Washington County FFA supporters or residents.

Following the auction, musical artist Pete Gile will perform. Enjoy an evening of good food and camaraderie while supporting the Washington County FFA Chapter. Visit the Alumni’s Facebook page for a preview of the auction items.

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