Home Events - KCLY Radio Arts Council Programs To Return In 2021-2022

Arts Council Programs To Return In 2021-2022

The Clay County Arts Council is excited to announce a full schedule of programs awaiting residents for 2021-2022.  With last year’s events cancelled due to COVID 19, the organization is hoping this year will bring a return to normalcy and is beginning it’s membership drive.  However, the COVID situation will be considered as programs are presented.

In the next several weeks, Arts Council Board members will sell memberships for the year’s programs.  Memberships are: single, $25; family, $40; patrons, $50; sustaining, $100; silver, $250; gold, $500; and platinum, $1000.  Memberships will also be available at Mayo’s in downtown Clay Center.  In addition, tickets for non-members can be purchased at the door for any membership program for $10 per performance.  Students are admitted free to all events.

Many programs, which had been scheduled for last year have been rescheduled for 2021-22.  In addition to eight membership programs, the Arts Council will feature the Topeka Drum Line on Piotique Saturday, the First Infantry Division Holiday Concert and the final Clay Center City Band Concert, all free to the public.

The season line-up is as follows:

Piotique Saturday, Saturday, Sept. 25 – The Topeka Drum Line – This high school group, directed by Sal Cruz will perform prior to the Piotique parade on the court house square, and then participate in the parade.

Piotique Saturday, Sept. 25 – Seipp/Sheets Patriotic Tribute – The stunning duo of Chuck Seipp, trumpet and Randall Sheets, keyboard will perform at the Rex Theatre, accompanying a patriotic montage on the screen. The performance will follow the parade at 4 p.m.

Sunday, October 10 – David Littrell, Cello – Littrell has been on the KSU Music Faculty for many years and is currently serving as the interim conductor of the Salina Symphony. He will perform at the Rex Theatre.

Friday, Nov. 5 – ARTRAGEOUS! – This performing arts troupe will present a high energy musical and artistic performance to USD middle and high school students in the afternoon, and then present to the public in the evening at Martyn-Snodgrass Auditorium.

Thursday, Dec. 16 – First Infantry Division Holiday Concert – This instrumental music program will be free to the public and presented at the Rex Theatre.

Saturday, Jan. 8 – Mike Bliss, Comedian – Branson entertainer, Mike Bliss will share his comedic take on life at the Rex Theatre.

Tuesday, Jan. 25 – Winter Band Concert – The CCCMS & CCCHS bands are featured in this annual concert, which includes a guest clinician, who works with the students during the day, and then is featured with the band in the evening performance, held at Martyn-Snodgrass Auditorium.

Saturday, Feb. 19 – Birger Sandzen Presentation/Wine Tasting – This event will feature Curator Ron Michael, Director of the Birger Sandzen Gallery in Lindsborg.  Included in the afternoon will be a Wine Tasting, sponsored by Southside Liquor.

Wednesday, Mar. 2 – Paragon Ragtime Orchestra – Returning to Clay Center following their performance in 2019, this highly musical ensemble will accompany a silent film on the screen at the Rex Theatre.   The group will perform for USD elementary students in the afternoon, followed by a public performance in the evening.

Saturday, April 16 – Ben Taddiken – Singer/Songwriter Ben Taddiken returns to our lineup and is a CCCHS graduate, now living and performing in Ormond Beach, FL.       He will perform at the Rex Theatre.

Wednesday, July 20 – Clay Center City Band Concert – The City Band will present their final program of the season, featuring the Little Apple Barbershop Chorus from Manhattan, KS.  The program will be free to the public and held at the Rex Theatre.

The Clay County Arts Council relies on local memberships for the majority of its operating budget.  The mission of the organization is to provide quality fine arts programs to the citizens of Clay County.

Anyone interested in more information about the Arts Council may call Jim Beck, 447-0341 or Randy Milligan, 630-0335.

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