Home Events - KCLY Radio Kindie Rock at Mother’s Day Flea Market

Kindie Rock at Mother’s Day Flea Market

Kindie rock is coming to the Mother’s Day Flea Market! Join us on Saturday, May 13 at 11:30 am for BIG BANG BOOM, kid’s music with a pop sensibility!

The beautiful Marysville City Park will be the setting fot this concert that will feature parent-friendly children’s music. There will be no purple dancing dinosaurs here!

From bigbangboom.com, “Established in 2007 out of Greensboro, North Carolina, this rockin’ 3-piece power pop band consists of talented artists and long-time musicians Chuck Folds (brother of Ben Folds), Steve Willard, and Eddie Walker. But this musical trio doesn’t play just any ol’ average music…they write songs with a pop sensibility by cleverly mixing alternative, hip-hop, rock, country, and other genres to create music that both adults AND children can enjoy, because Big Bang Boom songs are fun and they teach you things!”

The Marshall County Arts Cooperative and the Marysville Public Library are proud to partner to present this FREE concert, enjoyable for all ages!

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