Home Events Livestock Feeding and Water Management Workshops Happening Along Hwy 36

Livestock Feeding and Water Management Workshops Happening Along Hwy 36

Milford Lake, Tuttle Creek and Delaware River WRAPS (Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy) programs to host Feeding and Water Management Systems workshops featuring K-State Research and Extension Watershed Specialists Will Boyer and Hershel George.

These workshops will focus on livestock feeding and watering alternatives. Discussions will include feeding site alternatives and using solar livestock watering systems during summer and winter months to improve herd health. Workshop topics will repeat each day.

Workshops are FREE and will be 9am to 3pm each day which will include a free lunch and will take place on:

Tuesday March 28, 2023 – Mankato – Mankato Armory

Wednesday March 29, 2023 – Belleville – North Central KS Fairgrounds – 4-H Building

Thursday March 30, 2023 – Washington – First National Bank

Friday March 31, 2023 – Axtell – St. Michaels Parish

Register for any of these days at:


or by contacting Mary Howell at (785) 562-8726 (cell), (785) 292-4955 (home) or mary@kglc.org

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