Home Events Marysville Public Library Programs

Marysville Public Library Programs

The Marysville Public Library will be resuming after school programming the week of September 12. All of these programs are free.

It will include:

–Be*Tween: Mondays at 4 pm

This program is for third through sixth graders.


–A Tuesday Program  “Kreative Kids” Tuesdays at 4 pm

This is a drop in program from 4-5 pm for any ages. Kids must be 8 years or older to stay alone in the library.


–Movie Matinee: Wednesdays at 4 pm

PG or G rated movies will be shown on Wednesdays after school. Kids must be 8 years or older to stay alone in the library. Free popcorn provided!


–Teen Café: Thursdays at 4 pm

This program is for seventh through twelfth graders.


We will also be starting our book clubs.


–YA Book Club: second Thursdays at 12:15 pm

Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/MVPLYAbookclub and we will ILL a book for you for the first session on Oct 13!


–B.A.G. (Books Are Great) Book Club: first Mondays at 6 pm

Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/MVPLBAGbook and we will ILL a book for you for the first session on Oct 3!


Lastly, we’ll be starting Library U.


–The Amazing Race: Library Edition: September 19 at 5:30 pm

Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/MVPLadults with your team of four. Only six teams can sign up.


–Genealogy Resources: September 22 at 12:15 pm

Andy from the State Library of Kansas will give an overview of FREE genealogy resources for Kansas residents!

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