Riley County Livestock Association Meeting and Banquet
The Riley County Livestock Association will hold its Annual Meeting and Banquet at 6:30 pm. on Monday, January 27, 2025 at Pottorf Hall in Manhattan.
The schedule for the evening includes a ribeye steak dinner, election of three RCLA directors, and a legislative report from the Kansas Livestock Association. Shane Tiffany, from Tiffany Cattle Company will discuss faith,
family, and new livestock marketing innovations.
Reservations to attend the RCLA Annual Banquet are needed by January 21. The $20 charge includes both the steak dinner and membership in the Riley County Livestock Association. Spouses and guests are invited
to attend for an additional $20 per person meal charge.
Call the Riley County Extension Office at 785/537-6350 to make reservations or register online at under “Events.