Home Events - KCLY Radio Summer Reading Program

Summer Reading Program

We have a few programs coming up at the Marysville Public Library.

Can you please help us spread the word?

The first is next week–a kick off for the summer reading program!

Camp Ocean: Thursday, June 16 at 10:30 am
We’re celebrating our summer reading program with Traveling Lantern’s presentation of “Camp Ocean!” on Thursday, June 16 at 10:30 am, there will be Oceans of Possibilities at the Marysville Public Library.

Mr. Sharky, your snaggle-toothed camp counselor, has planned a fish-fact-filled voyage to the bottom of the sea. Learn the ropes: how to puff like a puffer fish, flop like a flounder and fence with a swordfish. You’ll search for buried treasure and dive into the mysteries of the ocean, and you might even earn a badge or two. All hands on deck as we get underway for a summer of fun! Everyone is welcome–call the library at 785-562-2491 for more information!

The programs following are for adults.

Summer Sips: June 23 at 6 pm

Join us for a fun program, brought by popular demand! Mixologist master Audrey Pilsl will tantalize our taste buds with perfect drinks for summer consumption. These drinks will all be served non-alcoholic (at the library!

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