Home Events - KCLY Radio The Fentanyl Crisis in Small Town America: One Mother’s Story

The Fentanyl Crisis in Small Town America: One Mother’s Story

Did you know that over 150 people die in America each day from overdoses related to fentanyl? Fentanyl is now the most common drug involved in overdose deaths, and even in small doses can be very deadly! Many drugs purchased on the street and through the internet contain deadly levels of fentanyl, and you can not see, taste, or smell it.
So how can you protect yourself and those you love from this deadly drug? The Clay Counts Coalition invites you to come and learn at a powerful upcoming presentation. On Wednesday, March 27th at 6:30 they will present “The Fentanyl Crisis in Small Town Kansas: One Mother’s Story” at the Rex Theatre,
That night, Jenni Ebert, the Community Health Educator for KDHE’s Wildcat Region will be speaking about Opioid Awareness. Ebert, an expert in this field, will not only share facts about what is happening in our country relative to street drugs and fentanyl, but will also share about her own experiences as the mother of a young man who died in Wamego, Kansas by fentanyl poisoning.
As a result of this heart-breaking event, Ebert has made it her mission to educate as many people as she can on the risks of Opioids and Fentanyl. She has done presentations at many schools across Kansas, numerous city and county commissions, and the Kansas State Board of Education. Further, Ebert will be presenting on March 27th to students at both USD #379 middle and high schools.
According to Clay Counts Community Mobilizer Lori Martin, “We would all like to believe that the Fentanyl Crisis is something that only happens in big cities and faraway places, but it is very real, very dangerous and something we all need to know about! The more we all know, the better prepared we will be in case we are faced with a life-threatening situation.”
Martin shared that there will be a demonstration on how to use a drug called Naloxone, better known as Narcan, a nasal spray designed to rapidly reverse the effects of a life- threatening opioid emergency. Participants in this training will be eligible to win one of several doses of this life saving spray that will be given away as door prizes.
In order to make it easier to attend the presentation, the TCB Street Eats food truck will be parked across the street from the Rex that evening to provide a quick to go supper for those wishing to attend the presentation.
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