Home Events USDA Commodities, TEFAP Program – Clay Center Elks

USDA Commodities, TEFAP Program – Clay Center Elks

Clay Center Elks, 611 5th Street.

Thursday June 15th at 10:30 a.m.

Must meet the TEFAP guidelines.

Income is based on everyone that lives in the household. To pick up your commodities, you must stand in line at the front of the Elks. Doors will open at 10:30 a.m. EVERYONE must be in line by 10:15 a.m. If you send someone else to pick up your food, you must send an approved signed form.

Bring your own containers (carts, bags, boxes, etc) to haul food.

Must live in Clay County. Wakefield and Longford addresses NOT allowed at this site.

First come, first serve. Food is limited.

Commodities: FRZ Blueberries, Long-Grain Rice, Canned Pork, Fresh Oranges, Vegetarian Beans, Kidney Beans, Green Beans, Fresh Sweet Potatoes.

Questions: Trish Halstead 632-0035

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