Washington County Community Foundation Match Day
Community Foundation announces Match Madness on May 16
WASHINGTON, Kan.— The Washington County Community Foundation will host Match
Madness, a county-wide giving day, on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
On this day, all donations to the Washington County Opportunity Fund at the Washington
County Community Foundation will be matched proportionally from a minimum pool of $7,000
in matching funds thanks to these generous local companies: Blue Valley Insurance Agencies,
Citizens State Bank, Central Valley Ag, Herrs Machine Hydrostatics, and Union State Bank.
Donations can be made in one of three ways:
1. Give online at www.washingtoncountycf.org/matchmadness anytime between 12 a.m.
and 11:59 p.m. CST on May 16, 2023.
2. Mail gifts to the foundation at PO Box 24, Washington, KS 66968, postmarked on or
before May 16.
3. Deliver cash or check donations to a Community Foundation board member on or
before May 16: Bill Slater, Chad Hiltgen, Mary Spence, Tina Uhlik, Shellie Baxter, Dylan
Goeckel, Debra Hatesohl, Doris Nanninga, Clarice Ohlde, Mike Peters, Debra Tillinghast,
or Steve Wieters.
This event is designed to generate new gifts to the endowed funds of local nonprofit
organizations. Endowed funds are permanently invested to produce a steady stream of income.
This provides ongoing support for charitable needs throughout the county. All Match Madness
gifts are tax-deductible.