Home Events - KCLY Radio Washington County Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Society Meeting

Washington County Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Society Meeting

The Washington County Historical and Genealogical Society will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Cougar’s Den in Morrowville, Kansas.Mitch Zabokrtsky will be the guest speaker.  His topic will be Life In Washington County in the 1930s and 1940s as told by the Washington County News and The Cow and Hen Journal.  The Cow and Hen Journal was a monthly newspaper published by the Farm Bureau and Coop Elevators, Gas Stations and General Stores in Washington County.Items to be be presented include: (1) grocery stores were installing meat refrigeration cases;(2) men’s Big Smith overalls sold for $1.10; (3) contour farming was introduced; (4) US government plans for outhouse construction; (5) wartime availability of new farm machinery; (6) gasoline engine powered Maytag washing machine $74.50; (7) John Deere Model A tractor $870; (8) Folger’s coffee 23c lb and many more interesting bits of information about life in those years gone by.  Stop by for an evening with friends and neighbors.

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