Home Events - KCLY Radio What If Puppets at the Marysville Public Library

What If Puppets at the Marysville Public Library

Let’s get All Together Now for our summer reading program at the Marysville Public Library! We’ll kick it off with a bang with What If Puppets on Tuesday, June 6 at 11 am.
All are welcome to Cirque du Wiener Dog–a fun, interactive, exciting, and silly puppet show featuring a cast of daring dachshunds!
“Come one, come all to the most WIENERFUL show on earth! Join a cast of daring dachshunds as they attempt to put on a circus variety show, with amazing acrobatics, trapeze swinging and a rousing tightrope finale! The show, however, is constantly interrupted by Li’l Dumpling, the Littlest Dachshund in the World, who desperately wants to get in on each act. Will Li’l Dumpling get to be the HOT DOG, or will everything turn out for the WURST? Find out in Cirque du Wiener Dog! You never SAUSAGE a ridiculous show!”–from whatifpuppets.org
This show is complimentary, and all ages are welcome.
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