Blood Drives Upcoming in Minneapolis, Belleville, Concordia

By: Ryan Duey

The American Red Cross faces a critical blood shortage after its national inventory dropped by over 25% in July. Record-breaking summer heat has significantly impacted blood collection, causing disruptions at nearly 100 blood drives across almost every state.

Despite these difficulties, hospital demand for blood remains steady, quickly depleting the available inventory. The situation is particularly dire for type O blood, with distributions reduced to below hospital comfort levels. The Red Cross is urgently calling on the public to donate blood or platelets to ensure patients continue to receive necessary care.

Upcoming blood drives in our area include:

  • Thursday, August 15 from 11 AM to 5 PM at the Catholic Church in Minneapolis.
  • Wednesday, August 21 from 12:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Belleville Wesleyan Church.
  • Thursday, August 22 from Noon to 6 PM at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Concordia.

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