Governor Laura Kelly Announces More Than $7 Million in Transportation Project Investments

Olathe, Kan. — Governor Laura Kelly joined Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz today to announce that more than $7 million will be awarded to 11 transportation construction projects through the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Cost Share Program for spring 2022. With these grants, more than $100 million has been given to Kansas communities since the Cost Share Program’s inception.
“My administration has invested more than $100 million in our roads, trails, and bridges since the start of the Cost Share program because quality infrastructure is the foundation of strong communities,” Governor Kelly said. “Congratulations to each of this year’s Cost Share awardees. Thank you for the work you’re doing to continue building a beautiful, vibrant, and safe Kansas.”
The Cost Share Program was founded in 2019 as part of the Kelly Administration’s 10-year, bipartisan Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program, or IKE. By leveraging both state and local dollars to fund community transportation projects, Cost Share improves safety, supports job retention and growth, relieves congestion, and increases access and mobility in rural and urban areas.
Governor Kelly lauded the Cedar Creek Trail in Olathe as a prime example of how Cost Share can benefit a community. Enhancements to the city’s trail system will give residents greater access to recreational amenities, connect to regional trails, and provide hiking and biking access to nearby health care facilities.
With today’s announcement, more than $103 million in state funding, matched by more than $74 million in local funding, has been invested in Cost Share projects since the program was founded by the Kelly Administration.
“We rely on local leaders to bring us their best ideas for projects that, with a little help, can make a significant difference in a community,” Secretary Lorenz said. “Communities come to the table with a solid project plan, the support of local business and community members, and matching funds in place. State dollars help get the projects to the finish line.”
View a map of Cost Share projects here.
Spring 2022 Cost Share recipients are:

Ellis County Cathedral Avenue reconstruction
City of Erie   4th Street improvement, phase two 
City of Fort Scott   Horton Street improvements
Johnson County   I-35 and 24th Street traffic signals 
Lincoln County   60th Road pavement reclamation 
City of Logan   Logan Street reconstruction 
City of North Newton   Sidewalk improvements
City of Olathe Cedar Creek Trail, phase two 
Pottawatomie County   Havensville Road bridge over Mound Creek  
Scott County W. Road 270 improvements
City of Valley Center Seneca Street reconstruction

More information about KDOT’s Cost Share Program is on KDOT’s website at   

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