Kansas — The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requests comments on the Statewide Public Involvement Plan, Sharing the Future (STF) document. The purpose of the plan is to outline and provide details of KDOT’s public involvement process.
The STF sets forth guidance to KDOT enabling opportunities for public input throughout the transportation decision-making process.
This plan may be helpful to the public in understanding KDOT’s processes regarding public involvement efforts and procedures followed.
The plan can be viewed at https://www.ksdot.org/Assets/wwwksdotorg/Headquarters/PDF_Files/Sharing-the-Future_220503.pdf.
The approval of STF requires a public comment period, which concludes June 2, 2022.
To make comments on the plan, contact Ann Melton at (785) 409-2190, or ann.melton@ks.gov. This information is available in alternative accessible formats. To obtain an alternative format, contact the KDOT Division of Communications, (785) 296-3585 (Voice/Hearing Impaired-711)