Allergy Season Is Here with Wichita Ranked the Worst U.S. City for Allergies

By Payton Tholstrup

Spring is officially here, and many people are looking forward to the longer days and warmer temperatures.

But if you are someone who suffers from seasonal allergies, you might not be as excited. Tree pollen in Clay Center has already increased with the daily count being anywhere from low, moderate, or high. According to The Weather Channel, today’s pollen count is low, but will be moderate tomorrow and Thursday.

If you are planning on visiting Wichita anytime soon, or know anyone who lives there, The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has once again ranked Wichita as the most challenging place in the U.S. to live with seasonal allergies. While it begins with tree pollen, soon grass pollen will also be in the count.

If you suffer from allergies, you are probably already familiar with the symptoms. Itchy nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and more can be miserable to deal with.

However, there are a few things you can do to help ease symptoms.

1. Monitor the pollen count in your area.

2. If the pollen count is high, try staying inside and keeping windows closed.

3. Use air filters in your home and change them frequently.

4. Wash your hair before bed.

5. Talk to your doctor about a daily allergy medication.

6. If you have been working outside, wash those clothes when you come back in.

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