Cloud County Commission: June is Elder Abuse Prevention Month

Cloud County Commission declared that June is Elder Abuse Prevention Month.

According to the CDC, elder abuse is very common with about 1 in 10 citizens over 60 and older being neglected or exploited in their own home. Many cases go unreported because elderly citizens are too afraid to say anything or seek treatment. From 2002 to 2016, more than 600,000 elderly adults were treated for non-fatal assaults.

Elderly citizens experience various kinds of abuse, including physical, sexual, financial, and more. The abuse and neglect normally come from family members and caregivers; people who are often seen as trusted individuals.

Cloud County Commission is encouraging the community to work together to support elderly citizens and prevent abuse from occurring. It is important to listen to those who say they have experienced abuse, and it is also important that elderly citizens are aware of how to access resources and services if needed.

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