Kansas City, Kan. — Community Blood Center (CBC) announced a blood emergency today, as school breaks and increased travel have caused an alarming drop in donations over the past month. The blood supply currently stands at a 2-to-3-day level, with types O and B at just a 1-to-2-day supply. This is well below the ideal inventory of 5-7 days.
The local blood supply has still not recovered from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and is not able to sustain significant drops in donations. The shortage has recently reached emergency levels due to school breaks and increased travel, resulting in a dramatic drop in donor turnout and creating extra volatility in an already unstable blood supply.
“This time of year can always be difficult for the blood supply, with school breaks and increased travel making blood donations less of a priority,” said Patsy Shipley, Executive Director of Community Blood Center. “We highly encourage all who are able to please donate today to help us meet this critical need in our community.”
It only takes one hour to donate, and a single donation can save multiple lives. Roughly one in seven hospital admissions require a blood transfusion. Those in need include: cancer patients, accident, burn, or trauma victims, transplant recipients, surgery patients, chronically transfused patients suffering from sickle cell disease or thalassemia, and many more.
To make an appointment, donors can call 1-877-468-6844 or visit www.savealifenow.org.