FHSU’s Telehealth Certification Program Transforms Mental Health Services in Rural Kansas

Fort Hays State University (FHSU) has impacted rural communities in western Kansas through its focus on affordability, accessibility, and adaptability. One adaptation is the introduction of a Telehealth certification program for Mental Health Providers.

Telehealth, enabled by electronic and telecommunication technologies, allows remote delivery of health services. Jessica Albin, FHSU’s interim director of counseling services, highlights its effectiveness in providing counseling support to students across Kansas.

Telehealth has revolutionized mental health support, especially in remote and rural areas. It optimizes resources, reduces costs, and enhances productivity for healthcare providers. Patients benefit from improved access, reduced costs, timely intervention, and uninterrupted care.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated telehealth adoption, with health insurers expected to continue covering telehealth visits. Telehealth certification programs, like the one offered by FHSU, ensure practitioners are equipped with necessary skills and ethical understanding for effective telehealth practice.

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