Clay Center City Council Votes to Change Deed Verbiage with Otto Unruh Stadium

Clay Center, Kan. — Last night, Clay Center City Council members voted on a change in language regarding the deed with Otto Unruh Stadium

Council Member Phil Kasper explained that the stadium was deeded to USD 379 during the November election of 1938.

In the deed, there was verbiage that kept the stadium’s use as an athletic field, so if it was ever sold it would have to be kept as an athletic facility, as well as changes with easement agreement on the city owned pump stations on the property.

Kasper said he voted no because he believed there could be other avenues to explore with the stadium and he wanted to know what would happen with the property. He added he received more feedback from the community with this issue than when the Clay Center Aquatic Park renovations were being discussed, which was also a controversial issue for the community.

Council Member Mike Peerson was on the other side of the vote agreeing to the change.

Peerson said it made sense for the city to clean up the easements and get the language changed.

The vote ended in a tie after all discussion and caused Mayor James Thatcher to break the tie with a yes vote, passing the changes, with a vote of 5-4.

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