Survey Work and Utility Marking Begins in Keats This Month

Riley County Press Release

Residents in the Keats area will begin seeing workers marking utilities and taking topographical survey information this month as part of the Keats Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project. No digging or construction work is scheduled to begin. Workers may need to access private property, including backyards, during this process. Expect any utility workers for water, power, gas, cable, and fiber companies to be wearing branded clothing and driving company vehicles. 

BG Consultants, Inc. of Manhattan will be designing the new sanitary sewer collection system, lift station, and wastewater treatment facility. In late August and early September, BG employees will begin surveying clean-outs and septic tanks to identify preliminary service line alignment after the utilities are marked. Any employees of BG Consultants, Inc. will be wearing brightly colored, high-visibility branded shirts.

If BG Consultant employees need access to areas where pets are kept, they will knock and speak with the resident before proceeding. “After we get the preliminary alignment figured for the sewer main, manholes, and service lines, we will get coordinated with residents on any concerns,” said Samuel Johnson, P.E. Project Engineer. The Keats Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project includes a three-cell, non-discharging, HDPE-lined, wastewater lagoon treatment facility. Existing septic tanks will be pumped and demolished, and all manholes, sewer mains, and service piping will be installed. The lagoon will be a state-regulated and permitted project that will be maintained by Riley County.

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