Rep. Tracey Mann Backs SAVE Act: Calls for Citizenship Proof in Federal Elections

By Trish Svoboda

On July 10, Representative Tracey Mann supported H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which mandates proof of citizenship for federal election voter registration. The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives with a vote of 221-198. Following the vote, Rep. Mann issued the following statement.

“It should not be controversial to say that only U.S. citizens can vote in our federal elections,” said Rep. Mann. “Integrity in our elections is the bedrock of our democracy, and Americans deserve to know that every legal vote counts. I don’t understand how 198 of my Democrat colleagues could vote against this commonsense legislation. With more than 12 million illegal immigrants entering the U.S. under President Biden’s failed leadership, Congress should do everything in our power to restore Americans’ faith that they are voting in free and fair elections without the interference of non-U.S. citizens. There is no question—I proudly supported the SAVE Act and will pressure the Senate and White House to support its passage and sign it into law.”

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