Grow Clay County’s 2023 Business Of The Year Awards Still Accepting Nominations

By Quinn O’Hara

Grow Clay County’s 2023 Business Of The Year Awards are still accepting nominations until January 20th.

The awards aim to highlight Clay County entrepreneurs and businesses who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision for a business, service, or product.

The annual award categories include the 2023 Business of the Year, Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Community Catalyst of the Year, and Employee of the Year.

This year’s nomination forms now require a statement of reasoning behind a person’s nomination, something Grow Clay County previously noted needed adjusting from last year’s awards.

Following the closure of nominations, nominees will be notified by the Grow Clay County staff. The winners will be presented at the Grow Clay County Annual Awards Gala on February 17th.

Individual criteria for each category are listed on the google form, as well as on the Grow Clay County Website. A link to the form can be found on the Grow Clay County and KCLY Facebook pages.

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