Bald Eagles Nest May Hamper Rocky Pond Fireworks Display

By Ryan Duey

The Main Street Tabernacle Church in Belleville has hosted the annual “Sky Lights” fireworks display at Rocky Pond Park for several years, drawing large crowds. However, this year’s event is under scrutiny due to a pair of nesting Bald Eagles in the area.

There has been a heated debate among the community about the potential impact on the federally protected birds, particularly the newly hatched eaglets. According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, fireworks should not be launched within half a mile of an active eagle nest due to the risk of disturbance and potential nest abandonment.

Opponents argue that the fireworks could endanger the eagles, leading some, to call for protests to protect the birds. The church has not commented further on its options, whether they continue as normal, move the event to the High Banks, or cancel it altogether. No final decision has been made yet.

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