Biden Approves Kelly’s Request for Federal Disaster Declaration: Kansas to Receive Aid for Winter Storm Recovery

By Trish Svoboda

Governor Laura Kelly’s request for a federal disaster declaration has been approved by President Joe Biden. The request was made due to a winter storm system that brought snow, high winds, and extreme cold temperatures Jan 8-16, 2024 causing extreme damage to several Kansas counties.

“I am grateful that this request for federal assistance has been approved,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “These federal funds will go a long way in supporting the restoration work by those in counties impacted by the winter storm.”

The declaration permits both state and local government entities, along with specific private nonprofit organizations that deliver essential services, including rural electric cooperatives, to apply for Public Assistance funds. These funds can be used for emergency and permanent work to repair or replace infrastructure damaged by the disaster. In addition, the declaration activates the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program statewide, which is designed to minimize long-term risks to life and property from natural hazards.

Counties included in the declaration are Butler, Chase, Cloud, Edwards, Ford, Geary, Gray, Hodgeman, Morris, Osage, Ottawa, Pawnee, Shawnee, Stafford, Trego, and Wabaunsee.

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