Brown Grand Opera House Names First Two Members on New Legacy Board

By Payton Tholstrup

The Brown Grand Board of Directors, established in 2022, has started a Legacy Board. The Legacy Board will be made up of long-standing board members who have shown their enthusiasm and dedication to the opera house.

The first members to be inducted to the Legacy Board are Marlene and Everett Miller on September 14th, 2023. In the 1970’s, they were the first to suggest that the Brown Grand Movie theatre be restored to a live performance theatre. They spoke with the Chamber of Commerce and the owner of the theatre, and the pieces fell into place to turn this theatre into a live performing arts space.

Everett also played a key role in getting the Brown Grand Opera House to be on the National Register of Historic Places over 50 years ago. The couple has been on the board for many years, with Everett being one of first to join after the theatre was established as a nonprofit in the 1970’s.

Marlene and Everett hope to see the building continue to be restored and used. Their ultimate dream is that the Brown Grand will have a good future.

Legacy Board Members are welcome to attend all Brown Grand Board meetings as non-voting members. They will also be listed in event programs and on the theatre’s website and will receive free admission to any Brown Grand sponsored events.

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