Chief Judge Karen Arnold-Burger Elected to American Law Institute, Aims to Enhance Justice and Legal Scholarship

By Trish Svoboda

Chief Judge Karen Arnold-Burger of the Kansas Court of Appeals has been elected to the American Law Institute, a leading independent organization dedicated to producing scholarly work aimed at clarifying, modernizing, and improving the law. “It is an understatement to say I am thrilled and profoundly honored to be elected a member of this institute,” Arnold-Burger said. “I look forward to working with other judges, lawyers, and legal scholars to help fulfill the institute’s mission to improve the administration of justice everywhere.”

Arnold-Burger was among several new members announced last week, all chosen through confidential nominations from ALI members.

She has served on the Court of Appeals since 2011 and has been the chief judge since 2017, having previously worked as a municipal judge. Arnold-Burger is a graduate of the University of Kansas School of Law.

The American Law Institute is responsible for drafting, discussing, revising, and publishing Restatements of the Law, Model Codes, and Principles of Law, which serve as key resources for courts, legislatures, and legal education.

By engaging in the institute’s work, members have the opportunity to shape the law in both established and emerging areas, collaborate with esteemed legal professionals, give back to their profession, and contribute to the public good.

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