Clay Center Officials Meet To Discuss Safe Routes to School Grant

By Quinn O’Hara

On October 30th, a group of Clay Center officials met to discuss the transportation needs in Clay Center, including the Safe Routes to School project grant.

Attendees included Natalie Murato of Grow Clay County, Austin Gillard of Clay County Medical Center, Pat Hayes of the Clay Center Rec Department, as well as other local leaders.

Matt Weller, the Principal of Lincoln Elementary, attended the October 30th meeting. He explains the purpose of the Safe Routes to School Project:

The project would include expanding or replacing sidewalks to be six feet in diameter to allow both walkers and bike riders passage, and any updates to sidewalks would need to be within a ½ mile of a school building.

Weller also details the impact the project will have on the community if it is approved:

Weller explains further:

The next step of the project will be to develop an active transportation plan. A part of the plan would include a school survey to gather data about the number of students that walk, bike, or drive to school and problem areas around USD 379 facilities, like missing or broken sidewalks, and inadequate safe crossings.

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