Engaged Kansas Expands Coalition to Include Three Statewide Group

By Trish Svoboda

Engaged Kansas has expanded its coalition to include the Kansas Association of REALTORS (KAR), Kansas Medical Society (KMS), and United WE. The coalition aims to inspire and support civic-minded individuals in pursuing local public service roles. Brendan Wirth, the Director of Political Affairs at the Kansas Farm Bureau, emphasizes Engaged Kansas’ role as a central platform for statewide organizations to exchange resources for citizens interested in local civic engagement.

The coalition comprises various partnering organizations, including the Chamber of Commerce Executives of Kansas, Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership, Kansas Association of Counties, Kansas Association of School Boards, Kansas Bankers Association, Kansas Chamber, Kansas Farm Bureau, Kansas Leadership Center, and League of Kansas Municipalities.

Since its establishment in 2023, EngagedKansas.org has continued to expand, offering nonpartisan and nonpolicy resources to empower Kansas leaders in serving their communities.

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