Fat Bear Competition Begins Today

By Quinn O’Hara

Today, October 4th, marks day one of a week-long online competition held by Katmai National Park & Preserve in Alaska to determine the fattest bear of them all. Before and after photos are posted of each contestant displaying the pounds of pudge they put on over the summer in preparation for this year’s hibernation. Via a tournament bracket style voting system, internet visitors are able to vote for which bear they believe is best deserving of the 2023 Fat Bear Week Crown. Voters can visit  https://explore.org/fat-bear-week each day to view the previous day’s winners, as well to vote on the day’s new match ups. The competition will conclude with one final vote on Tuesday, October 10th, affectionately dubbed Fat Bear Tuesday. More information about the event and the significance of the brown bear’s winter hibernation can be found at www.nps.gov/fatbearweek

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