Governor Kelly Signs Tax Relief and STAR Bonds Bills to Boost Kansas Economy

By Trish Svoboda

Governor Laura Kelly announced today the signing of Senate Bill 1, bipartisan legislation aimed at delivering tax relief to all Kansans while safeguarding the state’s fiscal stability. The bill lowers property and income taxes, eliminates the state tax on Social Security income right away, and boosts the standard deduction and Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit.

“I am proud to be delivering on my commitment to responsible, meaningful tax relief for all Kansans,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “I appreciate the Legislature’s quick work to pass this tax relief package. Senate Bill 1 provides significant tax relief while preserving our ability to continue fully funding our public schools, roads and bridges, and State Water Plan.”

In addition, the governor signed House Bill 2001, which authorizes the use of Sales Tax and Revenue (STAR) Bonds—a tool for economic development—to support the expansion of Kansas’ professional sports teams. STAR Bonds enable the issuance of bonds to fund large-scale commercial, entertainment, and tourism projects, with repayment supported by the sales tax revenue generated from these developments.

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