Kansas Courts Overcome Cyberattack Setback

By Trish Svoboda

This week, Kansas courts achieved a significant milestone in their rebound from the October 12 cyberattack that disrupted information systems statewide.

As of Thursday, electronic filing is generally accessible in district courts throughout the state, with a few exceptions. Documents can be filed electronically for existing cases in the Kansas eCourt case management system. However, the initiation of new cases continues to be through paper until the efling system’s full functionality for this purpose is operational.

The court information systems will stay outdated until the addition of new cases, case filings, and case payments post-October 12 is completed in the case management system. This updating process is currently in progress.

District courts are actively addressing the addition of new cases and case documents filed during the period when the case management system was offline. Until this process is finalized, information accessed through the portal may be outdated. Several courts have reported completing this task.

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