Kansas Department of Transportation Opens Applications for $30M in Transportation Alternatives Grant Funding

By Trish Svoboda

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) announced applications are now being accepted for $30 million in grant funding allocated through the Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program. These funds are designated to help communities with projects that have local and regional benefits for people walking, cycling, and other forms of mobility.

Eligible projects include building pedestrian and bicycle facilities, enhancing infrastructure for accessing public transportation, making accessibility improvements, preserving the state’s scenic or environmental assets, supporting Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs, and other related endeavors.

“This program is the state’s largest to fund projects that are focused on active transportation,” said KDOT Active Transportation Manager Jenny Kramer. “Following the completion of the Kansas Active Transportation Plan and the Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment in 2023, this round offers improvements to prioritize the state’s greatest safety challenges while addressing equity.”

This funding cycle is available for projects ready for implementation and construction within Federal Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026. Under the TA program, there is a mandatory 20% local match for all participating expenses. There will also be chances for matching support of up to 20% from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for construction projects meeting specific safety, equity, and population size requirements. Matching support will also be accessible for non-construction projects related to SRTS.

Step one is to submit a Concept Paper for the proposed project. Concept Papers are due to KDOT by March 1, with reviews and feedback provided in March. Selected applicants will then receive notice to complete a full application.

Register for informational webinars on TA Program project requirements at https://www.ksdot.gov/bureaus/burtransplan/TransAlt.asp. The webinars will be on:

· Monday, Feb. 5, at 10 a.m.

· Thursday, Feb. 8, at 2:30 p.m.

· Friday, Feb. 9, at 11 a.m.

Other key dates for the application process include:

· Informational webinars – Feb. 5, 8 and 9

· Concept forms due on-line (required for application) – March 1

· Concept forms review and feedback – March 2024

· Application links emailed to eligible applicants – By April 1

· Applications due on-line – May 17

· Application review – May-July

· Awards announced – Summer 2024

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