Kansas Reports Slight Rise in Unemployment Rate to 2.9% in May; Adds 100 Nonfarm Jobs

By Trish Svoboda

Preliminary estimates from the Labor Market Information Services (LMIS) division of the Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicate a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 2.9% in May. This marks a slight increase from 2.8% in April and a rise from 2.6% in May 2023.

Seasonally adjusted job figures for Kansas show a total nonfarm payroll employment increase of 100 from April. This category encompasses both private sector and government employers. Private sector employment decreased by 300 during the month, while government employment increased by 400.Labor economist Emilie Doerksen said, “Preliminary estimates for May suggest minimal change over the month, with total nonfarm jobs increasing by 100, the unemployment rate rising to 2.9%, and the labor force participation rate remaining steady at 66.1%.”Since May 2023, Kansas has seen a seasonally adjusted increase of 24,000 total nonfarm jobs. This growth includes 18,700 new private sector jobs and an additional 5,300 government jobs. To view complete labor market information for May, click here.

The June 2024 Labor Report will be released Friday, July 19.

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