KDOT Urges Fans to Have a Game Plan

By Trish Svoboda

As the Kansas City Chiefs head to the big game on Sunday, Feb. 11, the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and the Drive To Zero Coalition remind fans that festivities should never compromise safety, especially with the risk of impaired driving. Make an advanced game plan to ensure safe rides home.

“It will be exciting to watch the Chiefs, but don’t let that enthusiasm affect safety,” said Gary Herman, KDOT Behavioral Safety Manager. “If someone you know tries to drive impaired, help them get home another way. They may complain, but they will thank you later.”

The “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk” safety media and enforcement campaign aims to keep the public safe. From Feb. 8 to Feb. 11, law enforcement agencies across Kansas will concentrate on identifying, apprehending, and removing impaired drivers from the streets.

Initial data indicates that in 2023, 59 individuals lost their lives and over 1,000 people sustained injuries in alcohol-related crashes in Kansas.

KDOT suggest these tips to fans:

· If you plan to drink, stay at home or have an advanced plan to get home safe.

· Designate a sober driver in advance – someone who will not drink at all.

· Call a sober friend or relative to drive you.

· Use a ride share program.

· Take impaired driver’s keys if they insist on driving.

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