Kickapoo Police Force Resigns

By Trish Svoboda

Commission Meeting minutes from the City of Horton revealed that as of Monday, December 4th, the entire Kickapoo Police force, except for one officer who submitted a two weeks notice, had resigned.

The council had been in communication with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement Division, seeking technical assistance and a full assessment of their police department. However, when the assistance arrived, the entire police force walked out.

Currently, the Kickapoo Reservation is being patrolled by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) and the Brown County Sheriff’s Department. Chairwoman Gail Cheatham mentioned that the Kickapoo Fire Department is certified in EMS, and will respond to any calls on the Kickapoo Reservation. In cases of criminal activity, they will be available for law enforcement support. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is expected to be on-site soon to help interviewing for new police officers.

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