Kitchen Re-Store in Marysville Back Open for Those in Need

By Ryan Duey

Jessica Tjaden, K-State Research and Extension SNAP-Ed nutrition educator, has restored and reopened the Kitchen Re-Store at the Lincoln Center in Marysville. The Re-Store provides kitchen items and cooking supplies at no cost to those in need.

Tjaden said it sat dormant for a couple of years.

The Re-Store relies on community donations of kitchen items and cooking supplies. Donations can be dropped off between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday at the Lincoln Center, or you can contact Tjaden directly.

Tjaden is also planning to add to this new resource by hosting cooking classes for those in need.

Tjaden stated that there are no limitations on how many items can be taken. For information on donating or receiving items from the Kitchen Re-Store, you can contact Tjaden at 785-562-3531 or email her at

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