Marysville Elementary School Sees Two Top Position Changes

By Ryan Duey

The Marysville school board approved two position changes for the upcoming school year during their Monday night meeting.

Janine Doebele, currently the assistant principal and instructional coach at Marysville Elementary School (MES), will step into the role of principal at MES, succeeding Jason Wheeler. Wheeler, in turn, will transition to the position of assistant principal and activities director.

Doebele’s move was unanimously approved by the board members present, while Wheeler’s move was approved with a 5-1 vote, with one member dissenting. Cole Fredrickson will remain in his current roles as assistant principal and activities director at Marysville Junior-Senior High School (MJSH).

The board also accepted several resignations and approved new hires, including Michael Downard as a special education teacher and Megan Luebbe as a paraprofessional. Superintendent Darren Schroeder highlighted the district’s commitment to optimizing its administration team to better serve students and the community.

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