Peddling for a Purpose: Bike4Alz’s Cross-Country Quest Honors Memories and Fuels Hope in the Fight Against Alzheimer’s

By Trish Svoboda

In the summer of 2010, Tyler Jury lost his grandfather, Barret Cummings, to Alzheimer’s. Inspired by the death, Tyler and five of his fraternity brothers biked across the county to raise money for Alzheimer’s research, and Bike4Alz was created. During the initial trek from San Diego to Yorktown, close to $60,000 was raised for research and future rides.

Over the past 12 years, Bike4Alz has covered nearly 40,000 miles. This summer’s cross-country ride began in San Francisco, CA, and will end in Virginia Beach, VA. During its treks, Bike4Alz spreads awareness of Alzheimer’s in communities across the country through organized fundraising events, volunteering at senior living facilities, and sharing stories.

On its website, Bike4Alz states, “With each year, we wish to reach more people and affect more lives with every mile.”

Currently, the team is making its way through Kansas. On June 25, Bike4Alz posted on its Facebook they would be making their way 96 miles from Miltonvale, KS to Rossville, KS. To learn more, and to keep up with Team 12 visit Bike4Alz.

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