Poll Reveals Strong Support and Academic Concerns in Johnson County

By Trish Svoboda

As the debate on school choice policies escalates in America, the Kansas Legislature is set to make crucial decisions with potential impacts on parents and students statewide.

A recent poll conducted in December 2023 by SurveyUSA on behalf of the Kansas Policy Institute shows strong support from Johnson County, with 72% of voters supporting taxpayer-funded accounts for families with students facing academic challenges.

The poll also shows that despite record-setting funding in Kansas, a third of students are behind in reading and math. The average spend per student in Johnson County is $16,214, but as stated in a news release, 33% of high school students are below grade level in math, with 24% behind in reading.

The national trend towards educational options is apparent, with a poll by EdChoice showing that 68% of adults support Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). The American Federation for Children’s data shows that 76% of voters are more likely to support candidates endorsing school choice.

The poll also addresses K-12 education-related questions, revealing that 78% of Johnson County residents want school districts to face consequences if they fail to comply with the state law requiring needs assessments in each school as part of the budget process.

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