Population Statistics In Kansas Grow

By Quinn O’Hara

Population statistics reported by the U.S. Census Bureau from the 2020 Census show that Kansas’ population grew to 331.4 million in 2020, a 7.4% increase from the 2010 Census. Johnson County was the most populous with 609,863 residents, a 12% increase from 2010 and an average 1,287 people per square mile. The county with the lowest population was Greeley County, which sits on the Colorado Kansas border, with just 1,284 residents, and just 1.6 people per square mile. Clay County sits at #47 out of the 105 Kansas Counties, with a population of 8,117, roughly 400 less residents than reported in the 2010 Census. More than 80% of Riley Counties’ 72,000 residents were reported to be 18 or older, the highest number of any county in Kansas. Roughly 75% of Kansans are aged 18 or older.

Minority races in Kansas make up roughly 38% of the population, with a combined 31% of Kansans being of Hispanic and African American descent.

To view more population statistics for Kansas and other states, go to www.census.gov

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