Senator Moran Makes a Visit to RCPD

By Ryan Duey

The Riley County Police Department (RCPD) was honored to welcome U.S. Senator Jerry Moran to the Riley County Law Enforcement Center on Monday, May 13th.

As a senior member of the appropriations committee, Senator Moran understands the critical importance of ensuring that every government dollar spent yields tangible results. Committed to fiscal responsibility, he recognizes the fundamental duty of public officials to ensure taxpayer money is used effectively and strives to return tax money to Kansans.

Following an invitation to tour the lab by our Crime Scene Investigation Lab Technician, Michael Cherms, Senator Moran identified the need for upgrades to enhance both the working conditions for lab personnel and evidence preservation. Demonstrating his commitment, Senator Moran secured $250,000 for these improvements.

During his address to the audience, Senator Moran extended his best wishes for the success of local law enforcement in carrying out their duties. RCPD extends heartfelt appreciation to Senator Moran for his time, graciousness, and support not just monetarily but also in building morale.

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