Senators Moran and Capitol Introduce Resolution Against Biden Administration’s Power Plant Regulations

By Trish Svoboda

Senator Jerry Moran has joined Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, in introducing a resolution to oppose the Biden administration’s regulations aimed at shutting down American power plants.

The resolution follows the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rules that impose stringent emissions requirements on existing coal-fired power plants and newly constructed gas-fired power plants. This effort to close power plants providing baseload electricity to the U.S. mirrors a previous attempt under President Obama, which was overturned by the Supreme Court in West Virginia v. EPA.

“American energy production bolsters our economy and keeps us on track towards energy independence,” said Sen. Moran. “Energy generated from existing power plants help support families and communities in Kansas and across the country, and imposing harmful emission regulations will only drive-up energy costs for ratepayers.”

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