The Konza Student Table Provides Weekly Meals for Students for Third Year

By Trish Svoboda

The Konza Student Table celebrated its third year of operation on September 27th. The program offers a free nutritious meal to K-State students every Wednesday.

The idea came about at a Riley County City of Manhattan Food and Farm Council meeting when they realized there was a need to help students who were faced with food insecurity. Food and Farm Council of Riley County and City of Manhattan Coordinator, Vickie James, said they decided they needed to figure out how to get meals to students at least once a week.

The process start to finish each week takes a total of about 30 volunteers. Over the years, Vickie says they’ve had over 450 volunteers, which consists of community members as well as students.

Vickie also wants the community to know that they can get involved.

The Konza Student Table runs year-round, and has never missed a meal. During the school year, they typically see around 400 students each Wednesday grabbing a meal. In the summer the number drops to around 250.

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Click here to sign up to volunteer:

You can email Vickie with any questions here:

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