USD 364 and USD 109 Join Area Districts in Banning Cell Phones in Classrooms

By Ryan Duey

Marysville USD 364 and Republic County USD 109 are a couple of area School Districts to recently ban student cell phones in the classroom. Continuing the recent trend of many districts in an attempt to curb distractions during instructional time.

During USD 364’s monthly Board meeting Board members approved the ban of cell phones, smartwatches, and Apple watches in the classroom for the 2024-2025 school year. The Board decided to pass on the idea of Yondr bags, which are bags used to store and block the use of mobile devices until they are unlocked at the end of the day, sighting the possibility of students getting their own key. Cell phones will be regulated to hallway lockers only.

The USD 109 Board voted in the direction of the Yondr bags for the upcoming school year during their monthly Board meeting. Board members had previously spoken with surrounding schools already using Yondr bags and got positive responses on them. Students will be able to keep their phones with them at all times, but will not be able to use them until they are unlocked.

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