Water Conservation Needed in Concordia Due to Water Main Breaks

By Payton Tholstrup

The City of Concordia experienced water main breaks this week on 13th and Willow, 11th, and Republican, and the 600 block of East 16th Streets. Some have been repaired since yesterday, but city utility crews are continuing to work on a main break at East 13th and Hill Streets.

Because of the water main break and the repairs, Republican Street between 10th-11th Street is closed to through traffic. It will most likely remain closed over the next several days as repairs are being conducted.

City officials noted that in the meantime, the sidewalks and streets might be icy and slick around the main breaks. They advise everyone to use caution when walking and driving in these areas.

“We are thankful our water mains remained pressurized during this incident, although tower water levels did drop which resulted in some neighborhoods experiencing reduced pressure at their faucets,” City Manager, Amy Lange, stated. Lange said they are asking all residents and businesses to continue water conservation measures until the water towers are refilled. The city will notify residents when normal water usage may resume.

They shared the following tips for water conservation:

– Do not run laundry.

– Do not run dishwashers.

– Do not take baths or showers.

– Refrain from flushing toilets with every use.

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